Sunday, March 18, 2007

I love car rides.....

Hiya frenz,

Don't you just enjoy going for car rides? Especially when you get to ride upfront with your hooman? You can direct them to go any way you want. I told Mom I wanted to ride with her upfront & she should sit behind and behave herself. But she ignored me (as usual) and insisted I sit on her lap. Hmm..which isn't that bad cos I was a tad bit too short to see the sights if I sat on the seat unlike you huskies and other bigger dawgies.

Mom had to put on her harnass too for safety reasons and I had my pwetty red harnass on too. I like red, it looks good on me don't ya think? If only I got my manicure done last week and got my nails painted red, now that would be very matching!

I'm looking at Dad wondering why he isn't looking straight at the road. It's dangerous so please stop looking at me Dad!!

Huh? You still looking at me? In case you're wondering, I wasn't sitting on her lap so quietly throughout the car ride! I was resting my front paws on the dashboard (the front of the car) and giving Dad directions. You know male hoomans are really BAD with directions and they can't bring themselves to ask anyone or anydawg. tsk tsk....

After a nice ride, we reached the park!! It's called Labrador Park and well, it's one of the quieter parks here in Singapore. I asked Mom to bring me to a dog park cos I wanted to mingle with some friends but she forgot to put my flea & tick medication so she said NO. But yeah, she did bring me to a park named after a dog. Unfortunately, I didn't see any Labs around. :(

The weather was lovely, lotsa breeze cos we were very near to the sea. Ah, nice sun...I could lie here all day and get a good tan.

That's me - happily checking out the sights.

I was looking at the sea. Some hoomans were trying to fish at the park. Oh yeah, do you like my red harnass? I really look very chesty in the picture! *blush*

Ahh, just enjoying the breeze. Check out the hairs on my ears....all blown backwards!

Let's get moving Mom!! Hurry up!! Oops, I see only Mom's foot in the picture and it's not FAIR! She gets her nails painted in red.

Hey! What's this picture doing here!

Darn, it's really windy. I can't even walk straight! haha

Look at the sea! Maybe one day I'll get to go swimming!! Do you know how to swim?

Stay tuned for the next instalment of pictures! :)


Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Your Mom didn't buy you treats and now she paints her toe nails but doesn't get yours done. Tsk, Tsk. You need to work on your training ... of humnans!

You look very pretty with the sea breeze in your hair. We are looking forward to seeing more pictures of you!

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Dandy Duke said...

I love riding in the front seat too - so I can tell mom which direction Petco is just in case she forgets! hehehehe

Love ya lots,

The Brat Pack said...

Lucky you in the front seat! I'm too big. :(

OK, if your Mom is having her nails painted red then she should just do yours at the same time!!!

Thrawn from The Brat Pack

PS From Dot - I really like that red harness of yours!

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Daschies,
I think my hoomans have really been misbehaving. I'm quite ashamed of their behaviour I tell ya. I enjoyed the sea breeze! It was very cooling.

Hi hi Maggie,
Yeah, riding up front has its advantages eh? :)

Hey Butchy & Snickers,
Oh wow, both of you sitting on your Mom? I hope it wasn't a very long ride for her. :P

Hey Thawn,
Are you feeling better on your meds? Your Mom has a really kewl looking car except it's a tad bit too small for all of the Brat Park. She needs to upgrade it!!
PS : Dot - I love the red harnass too! Now I wanna get a red leash. haha.

JustMeCopper said...

Hi Luckie, You really look cute at the ocean with that red harness on and the wind in your ears. It also looks funny to see you sitting in your Mom's lap on the other side of the car. My Mom tells me your cars are different than ours and I noticed.

Fu Fu said...

Hi Luckie, your dad sure drives dangerously by looking at YOU and not the road. heee :)

You look so happy during the walkie and I love the pic where the wind is strong and you can't walk straight. heee

~ fufu