Friday, March 23, 2007

It's just one of those boring day....

Hey frendz,

I was worried that my boxing video was too violent but it's good to know everyone had a good laff and enjoyed it. You should try convincing your hoomans to hang some toys up for you to have a good workout. Don't our hoomans have those workout punching bags too? We need to workout and keep fit too. Sometimes taking walks, runs and playing fetch is *just* not enuff!

Mom applied some Frontline on me and mumbled something about getting my flea & tick prevention in place so she can bring me out this weekend. Hmm...this weekend would mean TOMORROW! I wonder what plans the hoomans have for me. I hope it's not some manicure session again.

I have been reading about our friends' Moms and all their nifty handicraft work! :) I must say these hoomans are really good with their paws!! Unfortunately, my Mom has never passed her art & craft lessons in school so I don't get nice ribbon necklaces or fancy drawings or even nice knitting and handmade dawgy clothes.

Mom loves to cook though and she's always trying out new recipes for hoomans. She's trying to get creative with my food so well, I'm a picky eater so that kinda frustrates her. In fact, this morning, I refused to eat my breakfast again and Mom had to cajole me to eat the kibbles from her hand. Ah-HA! I have trained Mom to feed me by hand. :) Now she has to spend more time with me in the morning to ensure I eat at least a little for the day and that makes her even *later* for work. Like I said before, work is totally over-rated. So maybe as she gets in later and later for work, she'll realised one day, hey - I don't need to go in to work at all! I know deep down inside, Mom would rather just bum around at home catering to my needs.

I'm really *bored* and also very tired from my workout.

Is there anything for me to do around here? Man, I don't get it...why does Mr Brown Bear insist on appearing in my every photo!

I think Mom was trying to talk to me but I found her nagging quite unbearable so I decided to turn away from her hoping she'll get the hint and perhaps switch off the lights for me to sleep? Oh, I don't sleep here. I just lay here until the lights are off and the hoomans go to bed (yes, I make sure the house is nice and safe) before heading to my own bed.

Have a good weekend ~ I'm outta here.


Fu Fu said...

Hey Luckie, heee. you sure look cute trying to tune out your mum's nagging.

Ps. Eil watched ep 1 of "Which planet are you from?" last nite. The guy so funny in the woods. Why the girl starting so high class then become country bum huh?

~ fufu

billiejean said...


if you don't like your breakfast, give me some. I am always ready to eat everything. Yes, I am a big eater. For breakfast, my mummy prepare fruits and yogurt. May be your mummy should try that too.

Billie Jean

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Luckie,
Tell ur mum nont to worry, my mum did terribly in her art & craft as well as Home Economics lessons in school too!!
Oh you are a picky eater too? Get your mum to give you other food in addition to ur kibbles.. yogurt is a good start.. like love chicken breast too..*yummm*

Dandy Duke said...

Hi Luckie,
Trust me, your mom would much rather stay home with you all day too but no money means no toys for Luckie and we wouldn't want that, right?!

Love ya lots,

Liberty Doo Dah said...

Guess what Luckie?
My mum just got a job since we moved to CA and she's been home with me for months! I will boo-hoo without her.

Cash said...

Your Mom has a talent that my mom does not
Sheesh, she can't boil water!!
hahaha haaarrrrrfffffff!!

L said...

Cooking is definitely an art. My Mom can't cook worth a darn! I, like you, am a picky eater too. It took forever for Mom to find a food that I would eat regularly. Hand-fed, good thinkin'. I think I'll try to not eat and see if my Mom does the same for me.

Anonymous said...

I like the part you mention about the bear having to be in every picture, very cute and funny!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Luckie, Just dropping by your blog to say hello. I have a friend called Sparky who is a long-haired miniature dachshund. She's always barking at me. There's a cute photo of her on my blog if you want to take a look. J x

Chelsea said...

Wow, we have a lot in common. I am a very finicky eater, like to sleep, I don't box with my toys but, I wrestle with them and I also find my Mama annoying at times.


billiejean said...


The yogurt I am eating is the non-flavoured, natural, no sugar added type, white in color. Cookie is an 8-year old JRT, my best buddy!