Monday, April 16, 2007

Yummy New Snacks & another trip to the park!

Hey frendz,

Mom bought me a new snack - Salmon Snack Treats. Oh gosh, they taste so super yum yum. As you know I'm currently training Mom to shake paws with me, these treats come in very useful. HA! Here's what the packaging says : Snack 21 treats are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, high quality protein and natural vitamins and minerals. It contains absolutely no addictives, preservatives, colouring or artificial flavouring. And it is absolutely healthy and hypoallergenic!

Yum Yum - I love Salmon.

Hmmm, maybe I'll get to try this the next round!

This flavour looks very good too. *sighz* How am I going to stay slim and pretty? Oh yeah, they also carry treats for cats too. :)

The hoomans brought me to the park again and we walked for an hour only cos the weather was turning bad. Mom said we had to go back home before we get caught in the thunderstorm. That's fine with me cos I was really very very tired after all that walking. Dad's camera went out of *batteries* and he didn't bring any extras out so no pictures of me!! Mom says she'll have to bring her own camera next time to capture me. :)

I met some really nice hoomans who wanted to pet me & one hooman lady said she used to have a smooth coat daschie and I remind her of her dog. I don't think I like hooman pups much. They kept coming near to me and before squealing loudly & running off! Yikes...all that noise. I was a good girl and didn't bark or lunged at them. And they called me mean names..."HOT DOG HOT DOG" Crap, hooman pups are so rude I tell ya. Seriously, that was uncalled for don't you agree?

On a side note, Mom noticed that my left eye has some reddish/brown discharge (seems like dried blood) in the morning and she said there's a pimple or cyst like thingy underneath my eyelid. She's kinda worried and wanted to know if we should go see a vet soon and wait for the thingy to go away. *sighz*


Fu Fu said...

Oh Luckie, those treats really look yummy. How come there's no salmon treats for hamsters. :P

Those hooman pups are so rude. Maybe we should give them mean names too... I hope your eye is ok. Do let us know if the discharge clear ok.

p.s Eil is still stuck at epi.6 of which star. haa haa. What's up with older man/young women and young men/old women match in kdramas. But Eil say she dont mind being the old women is the young man is Mr Rain. haaa

~ fufu

Duke said...

It's totally rude to call you names seeing as they really don't even know you!
Your treats look really yummy!

Love ya lots,

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Luckie,
You mean those hooman pups called you hot dog!?? That's so rude! Grrrr.....
I have salmon treats too (I love them!!) but a different brand though.. it's yummmy

Putter said...

Hi Luckie!

Cool, new treats to try ... I love it when Mom brings home new treats! I can always smell them from a mile away! Talk to you soon, okay!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Tadpole said...

You should have called the kids "whiney brats" since they called you "hot dog". How abismally rude. *sigh*

My sister gets pimples around her eyes a lot and they just go away by themselves. However, they've never bled, so I don't know what to tell you....

Chelsea said...

First of all...
disregard any hooman talk. Most of it is rubbish. Only few of them really get us.

Secondly, I think your eye is harmless but, you will need to get it checked out. I have to say a bad word and tell you to go to the vet.

Thirdly...Mama almost bought me some of those treats but, she was not sure if they were good. Now, due to your raving review, she will.



JustMeCopper said...

Why do peepol always call us dachshunds 'hot dogs'? I hate that! I don't know about your eye. My Mom would probably have already taken me to the vet. She's quick to run for advice.

Hana said...

Sorry, I do not know what to say about the eye issue. I hope it's already started to clear up on its own.

But, I do know what to say about the new treats!!! Gimme, gimme, gimme!!