Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I have been *FURMINATED*

Hello my frenz,

A couple of days ago, my Mom came back with a package smiling and mumbling to herself about some super quick delivery and can't wait to get started. So I thought it was probably another pressie for me or perhaps Mom was high on her magix mushrooms again so yeah, I didn't really pay much attention to her.

So last Sunday, we went out for our usual evening walk/jog thingy and then I had my dreaded weekly bath. I know you must be wondering how I kept up with my hoomans while they attempted to jog. Well, what can I say? I thought I saw those hooman pups go past us on their dogcycles, but I could be wrong. *snigger* Then she whipped out this new torture device.


She started to furminate me and after the first few strokes, she *nearly* removed all my fur. Ok, maybe not. ha ha..but I sure felt nekkid after my furminator experience. Check out the fur she removed after a few skillful strokes of the comb. I thought she did pretty ok considering I was jumping around trying to bite the furminator's handle. She usually uses a fine tooth comb on me (with no handle) so I can't quite bring myself to ignore the tempting furminator handle. It looks nice enough for me to chew on. :)

I can't quite say I enjoyed it, but it wasn't too bad. Mom says my hair feels so much smoother. (That's total rubbish. My hair has always been silky smooth!) She bought the baby (small) size and it's just the right size for me. But Mom says that she still needs to use a fine tooth comb on my delicate ears and my tail cos the furminator was just too big.

Oh, just for the local doggies, Mom bought it off Ebay (US$13+) and delivery took less than a week. She wasn't sure if it would work for me cos my hair isn't really that thick (I'm single-coat) but after reading the reviews from the rest of the DWB buddies who used it before, she decided to go ahead with the purchase. Hmmm...I think I could grow to like it.

PS : Hey Tad ~ I'm sure you are glad Massah will never furminate you for sure huh? hehe...


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh Luckie, that's alot of fur to be furmiated out. Are you going to make a pillow out of your fur?

~ girl girl

PreciOus said...

Wow I'm sure glad my sista knows nothing about gadgets. No oh no! Sista does read your blog too! Hiak!


ToFFee said...

hey luckie!

do you think I need a furminator?

how does it work?

can you show a before and after furminator? hehe! I just want to see the difference..

oh... I tagged you! check my post!

Myeo said...

Furminator!!!! Does it work on shih tzus like us?

Boy n Baby

Amber-Mae said...

Oh no!!! I hope you're not all bald now... Poor you! I'm already bald enuf so it's a big no no for me. It should be terminated by YOU Luckie!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Kien said...

WOW...Luckie.. u doesn't sound lucky today.. hahaha... i thought u have a nice silky hair all along..

Golden Rossi

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

I have seen the videos of doggies being furminated, impressive! I can't use it because I have a double coat and it will spoilt it. I bet it would work great on my cat sister though!

Oscar x

Boo Casanova said...

ah luckie, you got the furminator treatment huh. don't think mom gonna get it for me. i have super short fur fur now. almost as short as yours. hehehehe.

wet wet licks


Duke said...

Mom has a couple of those torture-looking devices she uses on me too. There not called a furminator though! You should be a little bit cooler Luckie. This is a good thing in the summer!

Love ya lots,

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

We keep seeing those torture devices and we are so sorry for our friends (and happy we have short smooth coats). But if it makes you more comfortable, it might be worth it. We think your fur has always looked soft and silky and smooth!

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Ume said...

hi Luckie,
i hopped over to the website to read abt the Furminator! the amount of fur it sheds is humongous!!!
i doubt i need it, if not, i mite end up looking like Tad. oops! i dun mean it in a bad way, Tad!

Ferndoggle said...

Oh No...not the furminator!! I hate that thing. Mom uses it to steal all of my soft, velvety undercoat. She thinks she's making me cooler.

I say, grow your own fur woman!!


Gwyn Valentine said...

My mum is a EBAY maniac!
She buys ANYTHING from eBay, and that started like 4years back. I am still waiting for my first item from eBay.
So do you look any different now?
My mum had a hair cut today too :p

coco said...

question: why do mommies try to make the bestest toys & chewy things into torture devices????

i'm sure you look all the more gorgeous in your newly furminated 'do, luckie girl. send us some pictures of your new look!

poochie smoochies, coco

Tadpole said...

Luckie! Is your mom going to take off ALL your fur so that we can be twins?!?! Yipee!


Anonymous said...

Luckie, I can not believe you stood for that torture. Stick with me girly... I will teach you how to avoid the brush! I do it at all costs here in my house.

Murphey said...

I love my furminator! I fell so skinny after we use it cause it pulls off so much hair.

I do like to bite the handle too, it's just so biteable!


The Airechicks said...


Murphey's right it has a slimming effect and a cooling effect also...

Make Mom give you treats...

wally said...

Hey! We have one of those, though not a baby one! I bet you are lovely after you are furminated! Does it feel cooler?


The Brat Pack said...

Wow Luckie, you lost a lot of fur! We didn't think a Furminator would do that much on you!

We hope you got a big treat after.

JustMeCopper said...

Mom says that all that fur would come out on her furniture if she didn't help it out.

Ruby Bleu said...

Wow...that's a lot of fur from such a little girl! But as long as you are ok and you haven't lost your beautifulness you should be good.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

L said...

Was your mom talking to my girl. This weekend she bought a new torture device for us. She bought a shedding comb to use rather than our brush. We hate it. She looked at the furminator but thought that might cut our hair rather than just get the shedding pieces.

Bella said...

whew thats a lota fur sweety - your pretty & shiny all the time too

Suki & Joey said...

Please don't let my Mom see this post, please don't let my Mom see this post...

I think if she buys one I'll have to kill it.

Puggy kisses

Lorenza said...

Hi, Luckie.
I wouldn't think you needed a furminator thing! For me you have pretty hair! If its hot weather maybe you feel lighter!
I am so thankful for my short hair!
Have a nice day

Stanley said...

Thanks for your product review, Luckie! My girl is also considering the purchase of this torture device. (She thinks I'll let her use it on me. I say, why waste your money, sister?)

I can't imagine your coat being any silkier or any smoother, but if that's possible, then I'm probably going to have to face the furminator myself eventually!

Goob kisses,