I am Luckie Girl & welcome to my world! I'm a long haired chocolate tan mini dachshund living with my parents & my sister, Susie in Sunny Singapore. I was from Australia and came to Singapore when I was 3 months old. Susie Girl is a long hair shaded red mini dachshund & she came home with us at 8 weeks.
Okay, I counted - so we have 4 different kibbles at home. But I think it's reasonable considering we have two dogs. The 2 hoomans have one whole fridge of FOOD to themselves and Mom's complaining abt a lack of countertop space?
PS : Mom caught me in action helping myself to Susie's bowl. Crap..now I can't do that anymore cos she moved Susie's bowl away from our common fence. (Luckie's Mom : I usually place Susie's food bowl beside their common fence and since Susie's bowl is a bit smaller/higher compared to Luckie's bowl, her food is piled up higher. I caught Luckie squishing her nose through the gap in the fence trying to nudge Susie's kibbles out of her bowl. Luckie was even using her TONGUE to flip the kibbles out. Once the kibbles land outside the bowl, Luckie uses her paw to slowly scratch/paw the kibble to her side. My god..all that trouble for one kibble!! I wish I could get it on video. I have no idea if I should laugh or get upset with Luckie. LOL!!)
Here's another pikture of us...Gee, I just realised that our coats contrast so brillantly in the sunlight! In any case, I sure hope your week is going great! :)
It was another regular weekend for me - I had my not so regular walk around the neighbourhood and my regular bath session with Mom. However, there was some not so regular construction going on in my home! Dad was busy putting up new play pen fences beside my current home, Mom was busy washing my old toys....I did my inspection of the works in progress while the hoomans went about doing their chores. I wonder if the hoomans are extending my current play area - ya know, like reconstruction of homes. I could do with a bigger play area....*ponders*
I'm not too sure I like what is going on....
A Very Worried Luckie