Monday, August 27, 2007

I Love My Handbag

Hello my dear frenz,

My handbag has been going everywhere with me lately. So what's a little wear & tear?

I believe there's some manufacturing default with the straps of the handbag. Just look at it! You guys know how gentle I am right? There's no way I could have done this. Afterall, I only opawrate on stuffies and not handbags.

Bummer. Now what am I going to carry when I have a date? :(


JustMeCopper said...

Oh my goodness Luckie! I need to send you the receipt for that bag! You need to return it! It's defective.

Maybe we can go shopping for a new one when we go out on our date. Do you like Louis Vuitton or Marc Jacobs or Kate Spade? Do you have any high end shopping in Singapore?

L said...

Did you let Comet near that bag? He does that to anything with strings! I think your next bag needs to have a leather handle so that it doesn't fall apart.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh dear, what happened to your lovely bag? How are you going to go shopping now?

~ Girl girl

Urban Smoothie Read said...

ooopss...wat happen 2 ur handbag??

u prefer it 2 look a little more scruffy?

Ume said...

it's most definitely a manufacturing defect!

Joe Stains said...

oh luckie I think there must be a recall on that bag for being defective! My mom has like 10 purses, maybe you need some more.

Dexter.Yew said...

Oh Luckie! That bag must be a made-in-C**** bag. It must be a lousy bag because you are such a gentle girl.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Luckie,
Ehhh.. umm.. your new handbag design is very nice... latest fashion??

PreciOus said...

Oh dear Luckie gal, just on your previous post your handbag was still looking pretty and good in condition. What happened??


Amber-Mae said...

OMG Luckie!!! What have you done to you hand bag??? You are one crazzee destroyer ha...Now you got no handbag to bring on your date. Maybe you can ask your mommy to sew new straps on it.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Boo Casanova said...

luckie, maybe those are "china made" purse that's why have defect!

wet wet licks


ToFFee said...

I thought you put some grasses in the bag..

so do you know who the culprit is?

I must say whoever did this is jealous of the kewl handbag you have..


Myeo said...

Hmmm, maybe you can borrow your mom's bag if you going for a date.

Boy n Baby

Ferndoggle said...

They just don't make stuff the way they used to, right Luckie? Maybe you just need some new straps.


Ruby Bleu said...

LOL...I had a purse like that too until I ate it...or tried to eat it before Mean Mom took it from me!!! Better get your Mom and go shopping for a new one before your next date!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Gwyn Valentine said...

Oh dear...

I can conclude, you are a destroyer...

Lorenza said...

Hi, Luckie.
I thought you had put something into the bag until I knew they were the straps!!
That happens to the things we love the most!!
I hope you can get a new one when you have a new dat with Copper!
Have a nice day

wally said...

Make your date carry your stuff!


Balboa said...

nah, you don't need a handbag, just let your dates carry everything for you! hee hee

Frenchie SNorts

Tadpole said...

Oh Luckie Girl! I like you with or withOUT a handbag! *wink*

Simba and Jazzi said...

Hope you had a good weekend. Lots of catching up to do on everyones blogs.

Simba xx

Clover said...

Hi Luckie!
I just wanted to tell you that my mom is always squealing and saying how cute you are every time she looks at your blog. She loves your colour!
Also, don't worry about your handbag - maybe your mom has one you can borrow?
Love Clover xo

Martha said...

I think it's time to upgrade to a Coach bag. Love, Martha

Suki & Joey said...

I think your Mom needs to take you shopping at Coach. My Mom is always saying they have pretty bags, and I bet they would taste great! :)

Puggy kisses

Isis said...

This one year my sister got me this great snowman guy for christmas... and while she went upstairs to get the camera... she came back down about 2 minutes later and his insides were allllll over the house. I was very happy, however, sister seemed really sad.

And so was snowman...

Ricky Pepper said...

Oh Luckie,

My sisters are so jealous of your purse. I know I am a little young for you, but do you think I might be able to have a date some day too? You just look so beautiful in your necklace!


Sir Isaac Newton IV said...

Look like it's shopping time!!!

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Uh oh! What a terrible thing to happen to your beautiful handbag. Did you find out who did the damage? You might need to check with your Mom; she was using it too. Maybe she was careless.