Friday, September 21, 2007

Happy Barkday to Mom!

Hello frenz,

Today is my Mom's barkday and I have been busy helping her celebrate!! :) It also happens to be the very same day her office is relocating to another location and so there's like many things going on at the same time. I made Mom snap some piktures of her own office (the view is incredible!!) and some of her new office too.

In any case, Mom's colleagues were really nice and decided to get her a barkday pressie. The only special thing about her pressie is......there's nothing inside that she can use or have fun with. har har har.... Yup, her colleagues know how precious I am to her and they decided to get something for me instead. How thoughtful of them eh? It's quite obvious who's the pawpular one in our family.

Check out my loot! *WOOT*

Lotsa chews to keep me busy busy busy....

They got me some toys......awesome huh? I can't wait to get my paws on them!

Guess what? Eil and Huskee's Maid decided to surprise Mom with a pressie too! There was a lovely Precious Moment card with their well-wishes & two pawsonalised towels for Mom. Now Mom can get rid of her smelly towels at home. tee hee hee.. Mom loves the pressies a lot and says a big THANK YOU to Eil & Huskee's Maid.

They also included a nice soft toy for me. Huh? What do you mean it's not for me? It sure looks like me!!

Anyhoo, this is my blog so I need to blog about myself of course. As promised, here's the 2nd video of me playing fetch in the lovely park (which I did not get to go today! ARGH)

Luckie Plays Fetch - Part 2


Ricky Pepper said...

Wow-wee! I have that same petstages toy (the one that looks like a football). It came with me when my momma adopted me from the previous owners!


Simba and Jazzi said...

Look at all that stuff! Share, share.

Simba x

Lorenza said...

Hi, Luckie
Happy Birthday to your mom!!!! But sure your are the lucky one getting the presents!!! I hope you have a great day with her!

Isis said...

I hope you had a great day!

So much stuffs!

love- isis

Duke said...

You made out very well on your mom's birthday, Luckie! Good for you! Did you get to eat cake too? Please wish your mom a very happy birthday from us, okay?

Love ya lots,
Maggie & Mitch

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...


The Mommy said may you and your Mommy have a wonderfull B-Day. We hope you gave her lots kisses..that's all the Mommy ever wants from us.

Love Just Us!!

Anonymous said...

I've got that football toy too - it's so much fun!!

And how great are your mum's human friends getting you pressies on her barkday - love it!!


Anonymous said...

Oops - PS Happy barkday to your mum too!!

JustMeCopper said...

Happy Birthday to your Mom. You have so many presents, you need to share or orpen up a store. We want to see pictures of the view.

Hana said...

Luckie, you are a good fetcher!! Who says you have to give up what you fetch. If "they" want it, "they" can fetch it themselves, right?

Happy Barkday to your Mom!! How old is she? For the sake of arguement, let's just say she is at 20 years old (but we are sure she is older than that, right?), then she is like 20 x 7 = 140 dog years old!!! Woohoo, she is OLD! It's so nice of her coworkers and friends to get barkday presents for "her" when it's really an excuse to get presents for YOU!

L said...

Happy birthday to your mom. Will she get presents on your birthday?

Jessica said...

Wow, when it's your Mom's birthday you get the presents?? That's pretty neat. We wonder if we will get presents when it's our Mom's birthday.

Happy birthday to Luckie's Mom!!

Love, Seadra and Zoe

the Corgi Girls said...

Ooooh, those toys sure look like fun!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Happy Birthday to your mom. :) So nice that her friends got treats and toys for you hee hee

The park sure is a nice place to run about

~ Girl girl

Myeo said...

Pls wish your mom a Happy Birthday. Lots of nose licks n kisses for her :)

Boy n Baby

Huskee and Hershey said...

Happee Belated Barkday to Aunty W!! Hope you had loads of treats and tummy rubs.. heehee...

PreciOus said...

Hi Luckie! Happy Belated Birthday to your mom! Hehe, it's great to get pressie even though it's your mom's birthday ya? Your mom must be so jealous of you. *Giggle*


Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Happy Barkday, Luckie's Mom! Sorry we are late in reading about the barkday. It looks like she got the perfect presents ... all for Luckie! And we know Luckie gave her mom at least one special kiss!

Great job with the stick! You have really learned that fetch trick!

Amber-Mae said...

Happee Birthday to your mom! Wow! You got lots of chews... I love those shoes. Nice pressies from Huskee's maid. have fun with them but don't destroy them too fast ok?

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Clover said...

Hi Luckie!
Happy Barkday to your Mom!! It's so great that you got some gifts for the occasion! I have the same petstages toy (the one that is like a tube with a cord in the centre) and it is really fun!
Love Clover xo

Murphey said...

Hey! My lady's barkday was Friday too, we celebrated big time by tearing up a whole toilet paper roll, she loved it, I know cause she said, "I just don't know what to say about this."

Happy Barkday to your mom!


wally said...

Oh! happy burpday to your mom! And how totally cool that the people at work know who rules the roost!


Scruffy said...

You think your Mummy would share her colleagues with my Mummy.

The Mighty Scruff

ToFFee said...

Hey! how come my message didn't show?

oh wow luckie.. that some funtastic stuff you've got.. I like shoe rawhides too.. my mom isn't too happy with a white bone one because it starts to smell when it's full of saliva.. hehehe!

Happy birfday to your bootiful mom!


The Brat Pack said...

We're late, but happy barkday to your Mom!! We hope she had a grand day, she deserves it!

Joe Stains said...

wow happy barkday to your MOM!! we love those petstages toys!

Stanley said...

Finally! The hoomans get it right, and you got the prezzies to celebrate your mama's birthday (as it SHOULD be).

I love to see you in action ~ thanks for the video. If it was a windy day I'm convinced your ears would be straight up in the aire when you run!

Goober love,

Balboa said...

WOOOOHOOO Happy Birthday to your mommy, but I think her best present is YOU!!!!!

Frenchie SNorts

Miss Reina said...

Hi Luckie,

We are so late but nonetheless,

