Sunday, December 09, 2007

Don't mess with me...

Hello frenz,

I did not get to attend my auntie's barkday pawty. My hoomans fed my dinner really early and told me to get some rest and the next thing I know, they were GONE for like HOURS!! :( I can't believe they were so mean to me. *sniff sniff*

With all that pent up anger inside me, I definately needed to find a way to rant! Feeling bad (they should! HARUMMPH), Dad decided to amuse me (or issit really himself) with this new toy.

Take 1 - Luckie plays with her Truck

Take 2 - Luckie plays with her Truck

So what do you think? Did I manage to show that thing I mean business? Don't mess with me or else......


Amber-Mae said...

Oh, how could they??? Woh, you're fierce in those videos!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

I'm sure your dad was chuckling the whole time, right? We know for sure that this toy won't be around long! Destroy, Luckie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Emily and Ike said...

What mean parents! Did they at least bring you some cake?

Harry said...

I say bite the tyres, then it won't be going far!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Ricky Pepper said...

now rip of its underpants!


Ferndoggle said...

Ha! Excellent work at flipping over the truck! You showed them for sure.

You've got some wicked bark, Luckie!


Clover said...

Hey Luckie!
I sure wouldn't mess with you! You are one tuff girl!
Love Clover xo

Anonymous said...

Oh, have to say you have such a cute bark. I know you are trying to be fierce and tell that truck where to do,but you sound SOOO cute!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Louie and I get upset to when our HM's leave us alone. Louie has to stay in his kennel but I get to run free. I usually just sit in the window and wait for them to come home. Louie digs in his kennel and lately it has been all the way across the kitchen floor... Such a silly dog.

L said...

Hi Luckie,
You look so super cute in those two videos. I loved how your tail wagged through the entire thing. You look like you were having lots of fun with that truck.


Joe Stains said...

you sure are one tough cookie! I think that looks like fun, I want one!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Luckie
Sure that truck knows by now who is boss!
Good job!
Have a good night

Stanley said...

Luckie Girl!!

Good job. You rocked that truck's world. I kept waiting for you to pounce on it (you were so polite to it at first).

I think the next time they show you that truck, you should rip it out of your dad's hands before he even puts it down & take it out! That way, it won't EVER be able to mess with you again!

Goober love,

Pee Ess
We have your package, but my girl still hasn't let us open it yet. Grrrrrrr.

Boo Casanova said...

well luckie, if you ask me, i say your dad was enjoying himself more!


wet wet licks


Anonymous said...

I loved your little yips in the video Luckie - I don't think your tail could wag any faster!!

Good to see you got the truck in the end - dogs 1, trucks 0!!!


Myeo said...

We dont think the truck dare to mess with you.

Boy n Baby

Simba and Jazzi said...

I was left last Sunday, so I can feel your pain.

Simba xx

Petra said...

You are very brave; that truck would have scared me!

Balboa said...

I couldn't see the videos, I'll try on our home computer.


Hana said...

Luckie, I think you need to take a look at this!!

Lady Kaos said...

I got left last week for hours! It's happening all over the world!!!
You definately showed tht thing who's boss. After you tipped it over, it totally vulnerable. Good job Luckie!

Balboa said...

How dare they leave you home!!! Next time you should sneak out and and have a party of your own.

Ha ha ha, good job on teaching that toys whose the boss.

Frenchie Snorts

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh.. you sure are fierce to the truck. Did your pawrents at least bring back some food for you?

~ Girl girl

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Luckie,
Did they bring back any goodies for you? If they did, I guess you can forgive them THIS time.. if not, I suggest you go and pee in their shoe.. HIAK HIAK...

Xsara and Tani said...

That was mean of them! I hope they brought you some cake from the party, it's like the least they could do to make it up to you!

L said...

That's a scary truck. We would have attacked it too! Good job!
Comet and BLU

Martha said...

I can't believe your 'rents left you home! The toy is cool though, and probably makes up for leaving you. It looks like you had lots of fun. Love, Martha

Murphey said...

Good job on bossing around the truck!


Asta said...

Lucky Girl
You awe incwedibly bwave to go up against that twuck and you won!!! You showed him whos boss awound thewe.heheh
Looks like fun.
Mommi hopes santa bwings hew new shoes
smoochie kisses