I was looking through my older posts and realised that the more trouble I get into, I get more comments! Do you still remember the time I made snow for the very first time? Hmm..does that mean I need to get into some trouble soon to keep you dawgs entertained? hehehe...
Here's the remaining pictures as promised. :) I made sure Mom posted all the available pictures cos I wouldn't want her to continue with a Part 3 tomorow. Sheesh....I still can't believe she did that.

Yummyyyyyyy ~ I'm licking a yellow popsicle. No, it doesn't taste like lemons. Oh wait, I never had lemons before so how should I know what it tastes like?

Man, this is so addictive. I could do this all day long. I think I have pretty good motor skills, I like using my paws to grip my toys. My paw fur is getting long and Mom says we really need to get a manicure soon.

Ah, my favourite way to carry my yellow dumbbell. 1 2 3 lift...2 2 3 lift...it's tough staying in shape. I totally understand how Dot & Sam from the Brat Pack feels when they see those cute clothes. I don't think those clothes suit dogs with longer bodies like me. Wouldn't that mean I'll be exposing my cute little belly all the time? My hair hasn't really grown back since I went for the spaying opawration when I was 6 months old. :(

Check out my nekkid belly! Yikes, all my nekkid bits are exposed. MOM!!!! Let's keep this blog friendly alrighty? I'm still a puppy!!!
Copper, this dumbbell doesn't jingle at all. It just squeeks at both ends. I'm not too sure if you can hear it in this video.
Hey Luckie, you'll be a very fit doggie with all the weight lifting. :)
~ fufu
ps, which korean eateries do your mum always go to?
I've got a naked tummy too! Isn't it supposed to be that way?
Love ya lots,
Aren't you gona show us your "Bang" trick!!! hehehe - Faye
Oh Luckie, don't let your mom cut your hair. Mine did that to me and it isn't pretty....
That toy looks like tons of fun! Sasha and I LOVE squeeky toys!
Have fun!
Hey Luckie, there's a few korean rest. that Eil goes to. There's one opposite Haw Pa Villa. There's also 1 at level one of Far East Plaza and there's a few near Bukit timah area. What your mum usually like to order? Eil loves bibimbap and dokkpokki(fried rice cake)
~ fufu
My tummy is naked too. I think it's a girlie dog thing but, I am not really sure.
You look like you really enjoy that yellow toy!
Very nice belly Luckie. My belly is all fuzzy! I think it may be a girlie thing afterall. That dumbell toy looks like lots of fun. I love squeaky toys too!
Oh my dogness, Luckie!! You have been so busy posting to your bloggy. I have been away on vacation visiting my grandparents while my parents were playing hide-dog-seek from me.... so now I have to catch up on your bloggy!! Hey, don't forget to vote for Copper. When I signed up on the Bone Zone, I never received a confirmation email... but yet I was still able to sign into the Bone Zone anyhow. Just thought I'd let you know just in case.
You have the prettiest fur, Luckie :)
I'm sorry, but I can't agree with you on the toy. I HATE hard rubber toys. Weird, huh? I ONLY like soft, stuffy toys. Except for hangers. They're the only hard toy I like, and they're not even a toy! Hehehe
Puggy kisses
Hi Luckie,
'That' photo you got there must've gotten every boy doggies' heart racing!!
Mom's not in SIN so she hasn't gone to the pet shop to check out that toy for me.. hmmph!
We have a yellow dumbell but it sure doesnt squeak! it looks so fun!!
Its Benny the Corgi! I have a similar yellow dumbell too! Doesn't squeak.
The rubber spikes are great for teeth cleaning and its also good for a game of fetch.
Hi Luckie, that place Eil went was
27 West Coast Highway #01-18/19
Yess Centre 1F Singapore 117867
Website is here. Average is about $30 per person if you order the BBQ meat
~ fufu
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