Saturday, July 14, 2007

This one is for Huskee....

Hello everypup & Girl Girl,

Mom is feeling better now and wants to thank everydog & Girl Girl for your well wishes. They must have worked cos she felt well enuff to bring me for a walk today! However, next week, Mom will be attending a Leadership course and will need to bring her laptop along so that means I may not be able to blog as often or even find time to read your blogs. :( Isn't her company mean? Why does she need to attend this silly leadership course? I'm the ALPHA dog at home so why does she need learn how to lead when it's obvious that I am the one in charge. Sheesh. Anyhoo, I digress. Let's move on to more exciting stuffs.

A couple of weeks ago, Huskee sent me a lovely barkday present and I did mention that I loved it so so very much. In fact, a little too much I think. I heard that Huskee has the exact same toy and it's still in quite good condition. That made me a tad bit worried cos I'm not *always* that violent with my toys. I really would not want anydog to stop sending me stuffs just cos I destroy them so quickly. (Luckie's Mom : Oh really? Need I mention what happened to the toy Precious sent to you??) Hey Mom, stop it, I have yet to blog about Precious's lovely package to me so don't even think about it.

Anyhoo, after much consideration, I realized since we are friends & friends should not have any secrets between them. I will reveal what happened to that lovely Petstages - Dumbbell toy. The images below may be disturbing to you so please bear with me.

Here I am working on the toy. It was a dumbbell and as you can see, one end of the dumbbell is now at the corner on its own. It has become a ball.

So much stuffing around me. I love making snow!!!

Hard at work and not even looking at the camera.

Look how dexterous my paws are! I'm holding it carefully between my paws just so I can chew the top off.

Chew chew time to talk...

Making really good progress here...

Did I mention I love making SNOW? Whheeee!!!! you think the above piktures are not disturbing enough? Well, I have more. Dad had the audacity to video the entire process of me working on the toy. I have no idea what got into me..I was just so INTO the toy. I couldn't stop myself at all. Copper's Mom, if you are reading this, don't be too harsh on Copper cos I don't think he's rough with his toys at all.

Luckie Loving Huskee's Toy - Take 1 (You know what's farnie? You can hear Mom going "My GOD" when she saw my evil twin take over me and destroy the toy. Beats me why she didn't just grab the toy from me to save it from its premature death. hahaha)

Luckie Loving Huskee's Toy - Take 2 (You can hear that toy rattling! *sigh* I miss it so much!)

Luckie Loving Huskee's Toy - Take 3 (This video was so freaky, I was shaking the toy so hard that one end of the dumbbell just dropped off! I sat up looking all confused and was like WHAT the HELL was going on? And you know what? It rolled back to me on its own! Whoa...wierd huh?)

Luckie Loving Huskee's Toy - Take 4

It was a wonderful toy and I'll always remember it. Thank you Huskee for introducing that toy to me. I'm sorry it didn't last long. My evil twin just took over. I am really a sweet lovely girl who plays nice with all her toys. All of you will still be my friends right??? *worried*


PreciOus said...

Haha Luckie, atleast you were happy when 'killing' your toy. So that was quite worth it I think.

p.s. The toy I sent you has R.I.P too? Hehe. But don't worry, I'll still send you toys.


Ricky Pepper said...

Tee-hee Luckie! That toy is much happier in pieces. You granted its wish!


Ricky Pepper said...

PS - I gave you the imaginative writer award!

Suki & Joey said...

Luckie, you are truly the queen of de-stuffing! You're my hero! :)

Puggy kisses

Lorenza said...

Hi, Luckie.
How much time did you take to kill that toy?? Did you say your evil twin?? Sure!!
The third video made me laugh! You really looked confused!!
I hope you will not be away from the computer many days!!
Have a good night

Gwyn Valentine said...

Hi Luckie,
Of coz we will remain your frens!
You are one true surgeon. Maybe you should be acting in the season's Grey's Anatomy!


Dandy Duke said...

I think Huskee will think that you really and truly did like his choice of toys! Look at all the time you spent with it!

Love ya lots,

Amber-Mae said...

Woh Luckie! I think you're the worst toy murderer I've ever met in my life! I mean, I don't kill my toy like that... I get the help of my sista to rip it apart, heeheee! Well, there goes your toy... So, what's next in line for you?

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Boo Casanova said...

hey luckie, at least you were "loving" the toy. i'm sure huskee doesn't mind if you already "loving" it too much!

wet wet licks


Toby said...

Wow, that is a LOT of snow you made!! Hmmm, I wonder who gets to clean up all those lil' pieces afterwards?? Hahahah!


Martha said...

I'm glad your Mom is feeling better.

You sure showed that stuffie who's boss! Love, Martha

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh Luckie, you're so clever to make your own snow in hot hot Singapore. You sure are a great surgeon.

~ girl girl

Urban Smoothie Read said... long as u enjoyed d toy, is ok 2 damage it..

its better than hiding it in d storeroom..

Myeo said...

Well, you dont mean to kill the toy didnt you. We are sure Huskee understand that.

Boy n Baby

Scruffy said...

Violence! Violence! Lovely violence. Keep it up Luckie Girl. That's what toys are meant for.

The Mighty Scruff

Ben & Darling said...

Thats what toys for right Luckie. Im still not good in KILLING but I will work on it.

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

I look up to you Luckie. I have taken lots of notes while watching your videos, hehehe!

Oscar x

Anonymous said...

I'm pawstively drooling over all that snow!! I love eating the snow when I get it but mum always takes it away from me really quickly - she's such a party pooper :( If she fed me properly I wouldn't need to be eating the snow now would I!

You have very good technique killing your toy - keep up the good work.


Ferndoggle said...

Excellent gutting skills Luckie! Even I'm impressed & I'm the Queen of destuffing!


Jessica said...

Oh, you are enjoying every minute of that, aren't you?

Have fun!!

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Tadpole said...

My dear sweet Luckie Girl - that's what you're SUPPOSED to do with stuffies! That's what they're MADE for! Good job!

The Brat Pack said...

You make girl doggies everywhere proud. You go girl.

Samantha & Dot

Ume said...

hiya Luckie,
those can be training videos for us doggies on how to make snow!
the 3rd video was the bestest!

Balboa said...

That third video was so funny, we had to watch it a few times. Boy you are super strong.

Frenchie Snorts

Emily and Ike said...

That was rated R for violence.

Murphey said...

My lady calls it destructive love, we love ti so much we have to destroy it. Great JOB!
