Hey frenz,I have been lazy again. River tagged me to play The Middle Name Game and I never got down to doing it *yet*. So what exactly have I been doing? NOTHING!!!! :( The weather has been quite crazy in Singapore. It could be sunny one moment and it starts to rain out of the blue. My hoomans were already packing our stuff to bring me out last weekend. They take forever to get ready and when we finally stepped out of our house, it started to POUR!! Boo hoo hoo..... I had to go back home and I certainly wasn't very happy.
Anyhoo, I digress once again. These things happen when you get bored out of your freaking mind.
Stanley wanted to know if I still opawrate on my bears. Actually, I have been working on them and I have also been working out with dumbbells. I have some recent completed opawrations to share and will hopefully do so soon.
This is my name : Luckie Girl. My surname is Lee. That makes me Luckie Lee (sounds like Luckily eh? hehe). I guess that makes Girl my middle name then.
G - Gorgeous vs Goofy
I - Irresistible vs Irritating
R - Rambunctious vs Racy (I couldn't figure out what Rambunctious meant, I thought they were some fruits like Rambutans!)
L - Loveable vs Lazy
Mom says there are two sides to everything. Good vs Bad. Hence, you'll see two words describing two sides of me. Like Cool Cuz vs Bad Cuz.
Okay, moving on to some really random stuffs. Just wanted to share some stuffs we received from B Jie Jie (Huskee's Maid) & Eil Jie Jie last month. Thank you soooo much!! I know these were received eons ago but I kept forgetting to upload the piktures.
B Jie Jie gave this cutie dachsie to Mom for her handphone so Mom can carry it around everywhere she goes. I hope Mom doesn't start getting strange ideas of getting me a sweater to wear like that dachshie.
They gave me a strawberry and a dognut!!! :) I hope they don't contain snow too. Sheesh. I'll certainly let you know if they do.