Saturday, October 20, 2007

I'm Sorry...

Hi frenz,

I really need to apologize for the recent lack of posts. I had thought that I'd have a more exciting weekend or news to update everydog & Girl Girl today unfortunately, it turned out to be another one of those bad luck days.

Well, Mom had lost her voice since Friday. I have been helping her to look for her voice but I can't seem to find it. If you happen to see it around, do let me know okay? She's a scatterbrain and totally have no idea where she left her voice. :( Anyhoo, I can't quite understand what she's trying to tell me with those frantic actions and mouth movements cos I don't do sign language nor lip read. I mean I would if sign language or lip reading were taught in dog school. Then again, I have never been to dog school...I digress. And just when I am busy dealing with my Mom losing her voice (it gets kinda quiet without her going Luckie this & Luckie that!), Dad became sick too?!!

Early this morning around 3am (yes, I have to be very precise!), I was rudely awaken by my Mom when she switched on the kitchen lights to get medicine for Dad. Apparently, Dad had some bad food yesterday, that resulted in a very, very bad case of vomiting non stop & watery stools. *gross* He was moaning really scarily and was in a bad shape. You would be in pain if you kept doing that every 10 mins too! I wonder if he ate bugs or I dunno perhaps those stuffs we are not supposed to eat when our hoomans tell us to LEAVE IT?

The hoomans waited till this morning to visit the hooman vet who gave my Dad a injection *ouchie*. It's supposed to stop the watery stools & vomiting. It seemed to work for a couple of hours and then the whole darn thing started again! Mom told me she had to bring Dad in to the emergency unit at the hospital cos he was becoming very dehydrated. I wish I could accompany Mom along cos it was bad enuff she lost her voice so how was she going to tell the vet what's wrong with Dad? Maybe the vet at the hospital understood sign language and could lip read?

Dad had more pokies by the vet. :( He also had a blood test done to check if there was any virus. They also gave him 3 packets of water or something....I dunno why they had to give him water when there's tons of water at home. Anyhoo, the blood test was okay. Thankfully, he didn't need to be warded and is now sleeping at home. Mom said I had to be quiet cos he needs to rest. Gee, I hope he gets well soon. I guess I'll head off to bed now too. What else can I do? *sigh* The only good that came out of today was...Mom didn't have time to give me a shower! hehehe...but then again, she said she'll do that tomorow.

Oh, if you happen to see good luck around, I guess I would like some for my hoomans.

PS : Luckie's Mom - The doctor said I had some voice box infection so basically, I sound like crap! But it's under control with medication now. No worries. Luckie's Dad is also recovering but I guess he's going to be losing a couple of pounds after this unlucky incident.


Duke said...

Gee, it doesn't sound too good at your house, Luckie! I sure hope both your mom and your dad feel better soon!

Love ya lots,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Luckie
I really hope your Mom and Dad are feeling better now! Sure its not fun to be sick!
Sending good vibes to your home!
Have a good night

Amber-Mae said...

Both your hoomans sick! Poor mom & dad... I really hope they will get better soon with all those medications. You watch over them ok?

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said...

Your humans really are having a bit of a bad run at the moment - I hope their luck improves soon and that they are both feeling really soon.


PreciOus said...

Oh dear, I hope your hoomans get well soon. I've given you an award, hope this will cheer you up a little. *Hugs*


Joe Stains said...

wow talk about a bad day!! I cant believe both your humans got sick at once! We hope they feel better soon!

Hana said...

Luckie, I am sorry to hear your hoomans have been sick and had to go to the vet's!! I guess your Dad refused his biscuit after his vet appt. Well, whatever happen, Luckie, you stay healthy. Did you know dogs can catch some human colds? I just learned that recently.

Ben & Darling said...

Ooo...this is not good but Im sure both your mom & dad will be fine as they have a luckie gal at home..if you still need some luck, mayb you can ask from ROssi as he has a lucky hammie at home now.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hmm.. I remember the last time my mom lost her voice, she sounded like a man.. even more 'manly' than dad. Boy was it a scary period.. I hope your mom is better now!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Luckie, do you think your mom's squeaky is spoilt? I hope both your mom and dad get well soon. It's sux to be sick.

~ Girl girl

Hammer said...

Hi Luckie
Hope your hoomans get better real quick. This is no good. Take good care of yourself, girl.
Love from Hammer

Ume said...

oh gosh! i hope your Mom finds her voice soon, it muz be awful not being able to speak.
hope your Dad is feeling better too!

Clover said...

Hi Luckie,
Hope your Mom found her voice (I looked around my house and on my walk, didn't find it) and that your Dad is feeling better! Sounds like they were having a rough go.
Love Clover xo

the Corgi Girls said...

Aw, better take care of your humans luckie, they are lucky to have you around! Sending healing wishes to them both!

M & I

L said...

I hope your mom and dad both feel better really soon. I know you will be a good girl and take very good care of them.

Simba and Jazzi said...

That was careless. Tell her to look in the phone I often hear voices in there. Hope she feels better soon.

Simba xx

Jessica said...

Wow, you guys have a double wammy going on at your house and it does not sound fun at all.

We are sending get well wishes!!

Love, Seadra and Zoe

wally said...

Oh no! Your poor peoples. I know you will take good care of them and nurse them back to health. I would suggest using the magic healing power of the doggie kiss.


Scruffy said...

Oh dear! I sure hope your Daddy gets better quickly. Its real bad luck that your Mum has lost her voice too. But a good thing did come out of it - you didn't get your shower!

The Mighty Scruff

Isis said...

I hope things get better for all you guys real soon.

Miss Reina said...

Oh dear, i hope your parent will feel better soon!
My mum and dad are on and off with the sickness too... Singapore is so small that the virus just keep going from one person to another!


Par said...

I hope everyone will get well soon!!

PerfectTosca said...

Geeze Luckie, I hope the luck changes over there! Don't you hate it when our humans are under the weather???

Stanley said...


Take care, girlie! Don't you get sick too!

Give your mama & dad some extra goober smooches (healing properties in each & every one of them), and take some for yourself.

Goober love,