Friday, October 26, 2007

Princess Bone

Hello my frenz,

It has been a crazy crazy crazy time at my home. I'm afriad I can't make it for the Halloween Pawty this weekend too. Yikes....I haven't had time to post since last week simply cos Dad was hospitalised! *gasp* Yes, he was! That happened on early Wednesday morning. Anyhoo, I'm not going to post any more depressing news. All I have to say is..he's ok now and ready to get back to work on Monday. Mom has also gone back to work and she told me she's going to meet Eil & maybe Huskee's Maid this week for lunch. Now, that's some good news to look forward to don't you think? :) Hmm...I wonder what they'll be having for lunch!

I wanted to share about this PINK Princess Bone I have been working on lately. It's my first attempt working on a nylonbone. Before that, I could never imagine how fun gnawing on a plastic bone was.

There's something about this PINK bone that just induces me to want to gnaw and gnaw and gnaw......

Your jaws will definately get a very good workout after this. I never felt so tired before! LOL!!

Oh, just in case you miss my face....hehe....

The end product. Mom says I'm a horrible chewer. Is that so? I thought I did a pretty decent job. Anyhoo, she took it away saying those plastic bits will cause me to have a tummy upset. What a pawty pooper!

Luckie & Her Princess Bone

I'm going to relax a little and enjoy my weekend!! I hope you guys have lotsa fun at the Halloween Pawty. :)


Simba and Jazzi said...

I hope your Daddy is ok. You really enjoy chewing on your bone don't you. You'll need a new one soon.

Simba x

Amber-Mae said...

Wow, you're really engrossed with that none ha? Must taste good...Yeah, I hope your hoomans are ok now.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Kodak the Eskie said...

Hi! Just wanted to say hi and that I really like your floppy ears!
Hugs & licks,

PreciOus said...

Hi Luckie gal,

thanks doG your daddy is recovering from his illness. *Hugs*
Nylabones are the bestest for powerful chewers like us! But, be careful not to swallow too much pieces of it in one day. Yucky gooey stuffs are no fun at all.


Hana said...

Hi Luckie, that is a cute pink wishbone. You did a good job. I don't think the little teeny pieces of bone will hurt you. I bet they will go right through your system. As for your dad, I hope he is okay... I guess he is if he is going back to work on Monday. Take care of your family, okay? By the way, I voted for your photo for Photo of the Month. You are in 2nd place right now. That's pretty darn good!

p.s. You are supposed to pull on one legs of the wishbone and your Mom is supposed to pull the other leg. Both of you are supposed to think of a wish when you pull the bone. When it breaks, whoever has the biggest piece will have their wish come true. Well, that's what my Mom says.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Luckie
What happened to your dad?? It makes me happy to know that he is ok now!
Sure you have a powerful jaw! Poor Princess Bone! As always you did a great job!
Have a great weekend

Miss Reina said...

Hi Luckie,

I tot i am bad, looking at the state of your bone, i my mum should not blame me for destroying the bone so soon hahahahaha

I hope your daddy will be fit soon!


Lili said...

Hi Luckie,
That looks like a berry yummy (and pretty!) pink bone :)

I'm sorry your daddy wasn't feeling well--I hope he's doing much much better now.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your dad is out of the hospital ok - and it's so good to see your pretty face again Luckie!!

I love nylabones as well - but HM does the same thing as yours and throws it away after a while - they are such party poopers sometimes!!


Isis said...

Thats a pretty nice bone... hope you can play with it a loooooooong time :)

Duke said...

I love my nylabones, Luckie! It's the one toy that mom says that I can't destroy so I have lots of them!
I'm glad your dad is doing better!

Yer friend,

Suki & Joey said...

I'm glad your daddy is better. Hospitals are soooo scary!

I think you're a good chewer. I just like to destuff; for some reason I don't chew on chewy toys, but I will chew on my sister's toys...hehehe!

Puggy kisses

Joe Stains said...

We are SO SO glad your Dad is better! Tanner has one of those bones like yours but his is blue!

Martha said...

Did you get that bone in honor of my upcoming nuptials? I love pink! Love, Martha

Stanley said...

Luckie Girl!!

I just realized that I have been suffering from LWS (that stands for Luckie Withdrawl Syndrome). We've not had enough photos or videos of you, and we are all suffering. Thanks for giving us some relief!

Hope everybody at your house is feeling better!

Goober love,

L said...

We're glad to hear that your dad is getting better. That must have been very upsetting while he was in the hospital.

Your pink bone looks like lots of fun. We love nylabones. All of ours only have 2 ends. Yours has 3! What fun.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Sweet Luckie,
Oh nooooo.. I am so sorry to hear that your daddy is in hospital.. I hope he gets better soon!

the Corgi Girls said...

Wow, you tear it up girlie, we love to chew too, we should get our parents to schedule a chew party...

Glad to hear your family is getting back to normal, scary stuff!

cuddles and kisses,
M & I

Scruffy said...

I sure hope your Daddy feels better. BTW that was a pawsome job you did with that nylon bone.

The Mighty Scruff

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Good to hear that your dad is better already. You sure are very serious on that pink bone. heee

~ Girl girl

Harry said...

You're a chew-a-holic! Glad your mum and dad are feeling perkier.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

the many Bs said...

Hi Luckie, we're glad to hear that your daddy is going to be okay now. that pink bone looks like a lot of fun to chew. i hope you get it back to chew on it again.

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

Wow thats well chewed I bet your teeth are nice and clean now.


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