Monday, March 03, 2008

Smoke Gets in Your Eyes....

Hello frenz,

The weather has gone all crazy again and it's been pouring for days. The hoomans have been feeling lazy (and they just blame it on the weather) and did not feel like going anywhere. Mom has been spending a lot of time on the compooter setting up SKYPE so that she can use it to chat with Dad when he's travelling.

I get really excited when I hear/see Dad on Mom's compooter. I will tilt my head from side to side and try to get as close as possible to the compooter screen so that I can lick Dad's face. I wish I could get a video of that to show you but that would mean that Dad's face would be seen all over the internet and we would end up freaking everydog out. So you'll just have to take my word for it.

Just wanted to share a pikture taken by Dad recently. He says this looks very arty-farty. Gee, what do I know? I'm just a dog...I don't do art.


Simba and Jazzi said...

That is very pretty smoke.

Simba x

Duke said...

That's a very cool picture, Luckie! We love it!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

I think that is very artsy fartsy!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Petra said...

I don't know much about art but I really like that picture of the smoke!

Being able to see your dad on that skype thing makes him seem...not quite so far away, doesn't it?

I hope you don't miss him too much when he's gone. Snuggle up tight to your mom, Luckie!

Lady Kaos said...

That is a really great photo! Your dad should enter it in an art show!

Joe Stains said...

We use that thing skype to talk to our friends in Europe! That is a very cool photo!

JustMeCopper said...

Love the photo. Sometimes my Mom makes her computer make sounds that make me pay close attention. Dogs barking, doorbells ... really make me pay attention. I wonder what I would do if I could see her.

JustMeCopper said...

Hey, come read my blog. I am on an adventure. If you want to come with me, I'll come to Singapore and pick you up. Write me and let me know if you want to go. Let me take your away from your boring apartment for a few days ... you can talk to you Mom on skype from the North Pole.

Hana said...

Looks like a dog behind the smoke.

I think you should ask Copper to pick you up and go on his adventure to rescue Hershey! Your mom and dad are boring with the rain. Come out to play!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Luckie!
Sure its going to be fun to see you dad there in the computer!
I've never thought of smoke being artistic but sure that picture is!
Kisses and hugs

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

the Mommy is blind (only kidding) & she can't see nothing but smoke but it is very pretty smoke.

I bet you really miss your Daddy so I hope it will work.

Love ya lots & lots....Mona

L said...

That's a great picture.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I still think your heart shape poo will be more arty. hee

~ Girl girl

Stanley said...

Luckie girl!

I think that photo looks like a dancing weiner dog getting ready to jump through a really small hoop! Very cool. (How did he get the smoke to DO that?)

Goober love,

Harry said...

That is a very arty photo, well done daddy!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Murphey said...

We've had weird weather here too, we went from 80 degrees to snow. I am so confused...


Martha said...

Very cool! Love, Martha

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Hey Luckie! Very pretty picture but he needs to take arty pictures of his pretty little girl (you)! We hope you don't miss your dad too much when he is on his trip. Good thing you have Skype!

Roxie,Sammy & Andy

The Zoo Crew said...

That really is an awesome picture! I turn my head from side to side and try to figure out those dogs on the computer when my mom visits with the Brat Pack's mom via the webcam!

peace + paws,

Lucy Lu

Chinook said...

yThat's pretty. I don't like rain too. I can't go for walks and I feel so tired and lazy. I just curl up in bed and laze the day away. ZzzZZzZZZ.

Lotsa licks,

Amber-Mae said...

Just wanted to let you know that I've changed my blog URL becoz some crackpot has been visiting my blog & leaving mean comments & we know who it is. Just click on my name & it will direct you there.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Chilli the Dog said...

HIya Luckie

Your daddy sure takes good piktures. And I do agree...tat is a arty farty foto :)



the many Bs said...

hi Luckie, that is a cool picture that your dad took - we would totally call it arty farty.


Hana said...

Hey Luckie, have you been busy? I hope good busy!

Amber said...

That's a great shot!


Huskee and Hershey said...

Ehh.. my ma says I don't have one artistic paw..oops, I meant pore in my entire body..

Clover said...

Hi Luckie,
Hope you are all doing well! That is a cool picture. I will show my dad - he is always trying to do things like that on his camera.
Love Clover xo

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...


Were are been missing you a whole lots.

Me got a new look to my bloggie that i want ya to come & trll me what you think abiut it.

Please don't stay away wuch longer.

Love ya lots & lots...Mona

Sir Isaac Newton IV said...

Hi Luckie!

I wish I could talk to my grandma on the compooter. Mommy wants to know if SKYPE works well and if it's easy to use ... grandma isn't so hot on the compooter. She's still learning!


P.S. That was a cool picture!

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

I'm stopping by to say "ha woo!"

Anonymous said...

Wow that smoke photo is sensational!
