Monday, June 11, 2007

Corgis, Benny, Reina & Me

Hey frenz,

It has been a crazy weekend for me. I mean, I just made a teeny weeny wish wanting to meet more frenz and my hoomans went all out arranging all sort of doggy meet ups. Phew, I'm no social butterfly but it certainly has been fun fun fun!!

I met little Reina, Benny the handsome Corgi and many many other friendly Corgis & Daschies in 2 different gatherings over last weekend. :) You can check out Reina & Benny's Blog for more details cos I am pretty sure they will be writing about that too.

And to make my weekend more exciting, I got to meet up with Eil (Girl Girl's hooman) & Huskee's Maid. They were really kind and passed me my barkday pressie in advance. And I saw a pressie from Huskee Boy too!! Oh my dog ~ those were my very first few barkway pressies. I can't wait to open them...but Mom says NO Luckie, you've got to wait till your barkday next week. Sheesh...isn't that unreasonable? I thought those were MINE????!!!

Here are the pikctures of last Saturday Gathering at the Singapore Botanic Gardens which featured our corgi friends (Trax, BarnBarn, Dom, Bingo, Dexter & Benny) together with little Reina & me. Yes, we were the only two daschies ladies. *blush* So we were a tad bit late and nearly missed all of them. If you really need to know, I wasn't the one who was late, it was my hoomans who were dilly-dallying at home. Thank dog I found the group after walking around for like 15 mins on our own. hehe...

Trax the Corgi enjoying himself in his personal stroller.

Trax's younger brother - handsome Barnabas. I heard he's looking for a girl friend...hehe..

Barn again. :)

This is Dexter (another goodlooking tri-colored Corgi) with Benny (the sauve Corgi).

Oh, just decided to sneak a little pikture of myself in. :)

This is Benny's Mom trying to rub my belly and yeah, I'm about to show the whole world my belly. hehe

Benny focusing on finishing his yummylicious treat.

Relaxing on the grass

Gee, what's happening over there?

Tired tired tired!!

Bingo the Corgi

Bingo looking really heroic!!

Little Miss Reina.

Another cute shot of Reina.

I think Reina's very tired. hehe

That's Bingo on the left and Benny on the right.

Dexter - another tri-colored Corgi. He's really friendly!!

That's Dom the Corgi (Reina's cousin - he appeared in her blog before) trying to get to know me better.

On our way back, we met up with another daschie! I have to blog about that in my next post. It has been really fun meeting with all the corgis and little Reina. I hope we can meet up again some other time. Oh yes, the piktures were from Dad....hehe..quite obvious huh. :P


Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Oh we are so envious that you and Reina got to meet! We got to meet Mona, Jacks, Toby and Bradley at a party it is was fun too. We have never met any Corgis but they look like a good size! You had so much fun! We would been very tired with all of the excitement.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Joe Stains said...

Those are such good photos!!! I love Reina, she is such a cutey!

Ruby Bleu said... fun was that!!! All those corgies & Reina too!!! Fun, fun, fun...oh and Eil and Huskee's Maid. WHAT A GREAT DAY!!!!!

You must be soooo tiiirrreeed!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Duke said...

What fun you all had! What's that treat that Benny is eating? It looks yummy!

Love ya lots,

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

hello..this is a test.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Yippie, it worked.

Hi there Luckie Girl. We have been reading about you from Reina's blog and today we saw the wonderful pictures that she had on her blog of you. Our Mommy actually started crying when she saw your picture and had to go to your blog right away. Mommy had a little foster named Nikki that she wanted to make our full time sister, but Mona was not very nice to Nikki. We loved her too but we also love Mona (she was Mom's first adoptee) and we guess thats just the way it has to be. Shame on Mona becuase Mommy would like to have another girl in the house.
Mom said to ask you if she could pretend you were her little girl along with Reina, Lorenza and Roxie.

By the way we have a little foster brother named Bradley that has been with us for 5 months. We like getting to met dashies like us so having fosters come and go is fun, But Mommy always cries when she has to give one up But she knows they are all being adopted by good parents.

We don't have a blog yet. Our Mom knows nothing about computers but she said if you'd like to you could e-mail us & she could send our pctures and Nikkie's. Our e-mail address is

We have been reading your blog all day.......Love Mona, Jacks, Toby, Bradley and our MOM Sarah too!!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hey Luckie... I saw your pic on Eil's Handphone. I wished I went to meet you too. You look real friendly. Glad you had a fun weekend. :)

~ girl girl

Lorenza said...

Hi, Luckie.
Sure you had a great day meeting all those friends! And seeing the pictures its obvious that all of you got very tired of having fun!!
So glad you met Reina. And Eil and Huskee's mom! Wow, what a day!!
Wait until your birthday to open your presents, your big day its almost here!
Have a good night

Hana said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend, Luckie!!! Lots of activities for a young socialite like you. I guess Girl Girl already had plans and couldn't meet up with you and Eil.

How big is Singapore that so many of you could meet? Singapore must be tiny compared to the USA. Yes, I believe so. Thanks for sharing your pictures! Your dad is master of the camera for sure.

Hana said...

Ok, it's me again. I was looking at the pics your dad took again, and I've come to the conclusion that your dad must be really really REALLY SHORT because some of those camera angles are really really REALLY LOW to the ground! :-)

Boo Casanova said...

luckie, you all doggie meet up! how exciting. did you all play too? it's fun meeting blogdogs and have fun together. this could be a weekly playdate you know.

wet wet licks


Anonymous said...

Luckie girl...! It was so ab-fab to finally meet up eh? I hope that next time the humans meet up earlier so we can all have fun longer. =) Happy be-earlied barkday! Woof! Next time we meet, a pressie will be ready for u!

Ben & Darling said...

Hey Luckie baby, nice outing !! and you all look perfectly great in all those it sooooooooooooooo much!! Are you going for this kind of gathering every weekend??

Ume said...

such a cool gathering!
could tell u doggies had lotsa fun!

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

I saw the photos on Reina's blog too, what a lucky pair you are to get to meet up with your bloggy pals!

Oscar x

Hammer said...

Hi Luckie

Wow .. what a gathering .. you look as if you had so much fun with all your doggie friends.

Love from Hammer

Suki & Joey said...

Wow, what a cool little playdate! I miss playing with my puggy friends - only a couple more weeks till the next meetup, though.

Those are some handsome corgis...are you gonna go after one of them? Hehehe!

Puggy kisses

Amber-Mae said...

Wow, you got to meet some of our DWB friends! Cool! Had a great weekend? I hope you did...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Tadpole said...

Trax has his own STROLLER?!?!?!?! How do I get one of those?!

Asta said...

I think you are most definitely a social butterfly.
What a great weekend!
everydoggie looks bootiful
smoochie kisses

Putter said...

OMG! Isn't the best ever to meet your bloggie friends in person? I felt that same way when I met Maggie and Mitch in person for the firstest time:) What fun!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Urban Smoothie Read said...

fun time meeting up friends...

coco said...

Thank looks like so much fun!! I wish my tongue was as long as yours!! :P

Nice to meet you!!


L said...

That's so cool that you get to meet all sorts of new friends. Our girl never lets us play with other doggies. She says we embarass her. BLU gets nervous and froths at the mouth like she has rabies. I just lunge and bark like a crazy dog. I don't know why she thinks that's embarrassing.

wally said...

Ohmydog CORGIS! That's HALF of me. Short legged dogs are the best, eh? I mean, NORMAL legged dogs!

What we lack in legs, we make up for in brains.
